Matrix Rhythm Therapy has been developed by scientists from clinical-based scientific studies related to cell biology, conducted at Erlangen University in Germany. Our body cells are oscillating between the frequency of 8 to 12 Hz. Reduced mobility, shortening of tissues, restricted range of movement, postural changes and deformities lead to decreased cell oscillations. This in turn leads to decreased ATP synthesis by the cells, which is the power house of the movements.

The Matrix Rhythm Therapy synchronizes the cell rhythm between the normal physiological limits i.e. 8-12 Hz. This improves the quality of extra cellular matrix, (space around the cell). It also improves the venous return flow and lymphatic drainage. It re-establishes the extra-intra cellular active transport and increases the oxygen and nutrition supply of the cells. It helps to initiate the ATP formation that helps in tissue contraction and thus improved movements.
At Vivacare, our therapists are Certified Matrix Health Partners in Pune. They have undergone advanced training with the inventor himself and have extensive experience in administering the Matrix Therapy. You can contact us for further details about this therapy.
Effects of Matrix Rhythm Therapy:
- Relaxation of hyper tonic muscles
- Improvement in joint range of motions.
- Relaxation of muscle belly which helps to release pressure on the tendons.
- Improvement in muscle coordination.
- Improvement in balance and coordination.
- Increased level of motivation and confidence.
- Increased active participation of the patient in therapy and training.
- Effective neuro developmental training.
Here is Dr. Ulrich Randoll, the inventor of this revolutionary therapy explaining its key foundations