Six Benefits of Physiotherapy

Does Physiotherapy (aka Physical Therapy) really work? We used to face this question fairly regularly about 2 decades back. Today, however, people are generally much more aware about Physiotherapy, its various techniques, and the therapeutic support it provides to patients across age groups. It improves the patients’ quality of life, prevents them from avoidable medicines / surgeries and gets them doing things that they love. Here we have listed six most useful benefits of physiotherapy for you.

Pain Relief

Physiotherapy is often better than prescription medicines as it is designed to address the source of the pain and works to correct it. Most pain medication tries to suppress the pain sensations, whereas manual therapy combined with exercise therapy works on correcting the bio-mechanical issues and strengthening the associated muscles.

Posture & Ergonomics

Majority of body pains can be attributed to a bad posture (sitting, standing, driving etc). Correcting the normal posture helps in relieving pains all the way from neck to legs. Furthermore, ergonomic guidance prevents the posture related pain from recurring.

Avoid Surgery

Many a times, surgery is advised to patients if medicines are not working for eliminating the pain. But as mentioned earlier, simply using medications is not a long term solution as the root cause of the pain remains unaddressed. Elimination of pains or healing injuries with Physiotherapy interventions helps in avoiding surgery in many cases.

Post-Surgery Recovery

Recuperation after surgery can be very critical to the overall success of surgery. Even for something as simple as a cast used for bone fractures, the muscle “forget” their normal function after long periods of disuse and need to be retrained appropriately. Physiotherapy helps in improving range of motion of the joints, strengthens the weak muscles and makes them functional for daily activities.

Women’s Health

Physiotherapy has specialized protocols for management of issues related to antenatal and postnatal periods, breast cancer, fibromyalgia, lymphedema, pelvic pains & urinary incontinence.

Sports Injuries

In today’s high stakes sports, no team is complete without a physio of their own. Team physios have a permanent place on the team and travel with them to all events. Reason is simple – Physiotherapy works on sports injuries – on the field as well as off the field.

Listed above are six biggest benefits of physiotherapy. Want to consult with us regarding your ailment? Contact us today.

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